Chiastolite is commonly found in metamorphic rocks.
Chiastolite bestows strength, power, and perseverance and is extremely calming. It is considered by many to be strong protection against negative energy as it deflects it rather than absorbing it and traditionally was used to ward off curses. This crystal can help with mental/emotional balance, stability, enhancing problem-solving, adapting to change, memory, and the ability to see all sides of a problem. Uniquely, it can enhance spiritual awareness, harmony, and practical creativity.
Chiastolite is associated with the Root Chakra and is favored by crystal healers to balance this Charka.
Chiastolite embodies the brown ray of color. Brown is a very comfortable color for humans. It is the color of the home, hearth, and nature. It makes us feel good. Brown is the color of the surface of the earth. It is the color of grounding and connection. It is the relaxation color, the color of being once again “on the ground” and at rest. Brown is a retreat color, a restful color, and the most common color on Earth. Most animals and plants are brown in some parts.
Chiastolite is a Dispeller Builder crystal. Dispellers are crystals that form in the orthorhombic crystal system. They are very helpful talismans for mental and spiritual problems. All of us have problems. Some are physical, some spiritual. Certainly, our lives would be more enjoyable and productive if we could rid ourselves of them. Worry, anxiety, fear, and doubt can literally cripple us and make our lives miserable. When crystals are carbonates, they have the earth energy of Builders. These crystals, like Chiastolite, are excellent in applications in which something new needs to be made from something old. Woodworkers, stone workers, artists, painters, and others involved in the creative arts benefit from this type of crystal.